
Accurately and effectively informing our consumers and caregivers while also collaborating with human service agencies and funding entities. 

LifeWorks-ACS is not limited to the services below, and provides a wide array of consulting, assessments, and evaluation services for youth, adults, families, and businesses.

Seating, Position, & Mobility

Identification of custom durable medical equipment that meets our clients' seating and positional needs.

  • Explore and define the client’s seating, positioning, and mobility limitations.

  • Provide recommendations for customized DME (Durable Medical Equipment) if applicable.

  • Produce thorough justification for each piece of DME required.

A licensed OT conducts this evaluation process with input from the client, the care provider, the regional center service provider, and a client-preferred DME provider. 

Environmental Access

Identification of physical constraints and barriers that impede the client’s independent function or the care provider’s ability to effectively provide adequate and safe care.

Environmental accessibility evaluations explore the client’s needs for bathroom modification, ramps, mechanical lifts, door width widening, and other similar types of modifications that improve wheelchair accessibility in the home. 

These evaluations may also explore options that improve the caregiver’s ability to transport the client including van lifts, specific vehicle modifications, external wheelchair carriers, or alternative mobility equipment that facilitate travel. 

"During my research to declare a major, I discovered Speech Therapy, but did not know much about it.Elaine was very helpful in connecting me with various Speech Therapists out in the community, from a therapist who worked in the school districts, a retired professor from a community college, and therapists working in the early intervention setting. I was able observe them working out on the field and seeing what they do on a day-to-day basis. Being able to observe and talk to these seasoned therapists really helped solidify my decision to pursue a career in Speech Therapy. Although Elaine is an Occupational Therapist, I was able to observe her working in collaboration with a Speech Therapist. I found their work very important working as a team to help meet the needs of their clients. In this particular setting, she worked on fitting the client for a wheelchair, while the Speech Therapist worked on teaching the client how to use the communication device. As a team, they came up with the best way to attach the device on the wheelchair so that the client could use it properly. Elaine has a wealth of experience and extensive collaborations with various rehabilitation therapists. Her mentoring helped guide me to my career choice." - Arianna A., Cosumnes River College, 2024

Alternative & Augmentative Communication

Determining the need and the type of alternative or augmentative communication device required by a person to effectively communicate.

  • Explores and defines the person’s communication limitations.

  • Recommends specific compensatory communication strategies and/or alternative augmentative communications devices/essential components. 

  • Provides individualized justification for recommended equipment and components.

The evaluations are conducted by a licensed speech and language pathologist with input from the client, the care provider, a regional center service coordinator, and an occupational therapist when applicable.

Early Intervention

Focusing on supporting child’s (Ages 0-3) participation in activities of daily living, social participation, and academic achievement.

  • Occupational therapy services, speech

    services, child development specialist

    and child behavioral specialist

    services.Providing services to children (Ages 0-3) who have a disability or are at risk for a disability including occupational therapy services, speech services, and child behavioral specialist services. 

  • Evaluate and provide observation in different settings including home, school, and in the community to provide support recommendations.

  • Provides individual justification for recommended equipment and services.

  • Track progress for parents, caregivers, and members of the “child’s”support team to highlight progress and areas for improvement.

"Hola, soy la madre de Ivan, Elaine, trabajo con Ivan durante 1 año. Ivan mostró una gran mejora con la ayuda de Elaine. Iván no podía ponerse de pie, gatear o caminar, pero con la ayuda y el apoyo de Elaine, Iván pudo lograr sus objetivos. Elaine también ayudó a Iván con los sentidos. A Iván no le gustaba tocar la plastilina, la arena o jugar o tocar cualquier objeto o textura, pero gracias a Elaine, Iván también pudo lograr este objetivo. Elaine ayuda mucho a Ivan. Estoy agradecida por todo lo que hiciste por Ivan." - Ivan's Mom

Consultation Services

Offering assessment, intervention, evaluations, and testimony for educational institutions, living facilities, and legal services.

  • Student assessment and intervention identifying underlying motor, sensory, and cognitive challenges that may be impacting a student’s learning and participation in school.

  • Provide recommendations for accommodations and modifications to support an individual’s participation in employment, educational institutions, assistive living facilities, and daily living activities.

  • Consultations for disability compliance and accomodations in the workplace, assisted living facilities, and businesses. 

Implementation & Utilization

Providing services to ensure successful implementation or utilization of recommended strategies, durable medical equipment, or adaptive equipment. Services include but are not limited to:

  • Wheelchair fitting.

  • Instruction of client and other service providers regarding use of specific DME.

  • Adaptive devices.

  • Adaptive strategies.

  • Procedures to improve care and safety of client.

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